Connecting Through Country and Kinship.

A culturally appropriate Intervention Program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth.

Culturally Appropriate Care and Placements

Yalga Connect was established due to a large proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children being placed in out-of-home care compared with non-Indigenous children. We have identified a service gap within the investigation stage of care and the urgent need for culturally appropriate care and placements to accommodate our affected communities.

There is a strong focus on ensuring youth: 

Our Focus

Yalga Connect focuses on The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principles to ensure we find sustainable solutions. The principles are:

  • Prevention - a child has the right to be brought up within the child’s own family and community. 
  • Participation - a child and the child’s parents and family members have the right to participate in an administrative or judicial process for making a significant decision about a child. 
  • Partnership - Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander peoples have the right to participate in significant decisions under the Child Protection Act 1999 about Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children, including the design and delivery of programs and services. 
  • Placement - a child has a right to be placed with a member of the child’s family group if a child is to be placed in care. 
  • Connection - a child has a right to be supported to develop and maintain a connection with the child’s family, community, culture, traditions and language. 

We endeavour to achieve these principles by providing: 

  • cultural strategies to support case management
  • mentoring and positive role modelling
  • skills development in personal and life skills
  • linkages to appropriate services and professionals  
  • kin connection and cultural inclusion for family wellbeing. 

Programs We Offer

cultural placement support PROGRAM

The Cultural Placement Support Program is a culturally appropriate Intervention Program which targets young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples involved with the Youth Justice System and/or disengaged from formal education and/or engaging in high risk behaviours.

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The camp was mad and heaps of fun learning about my culture and visiting other remote Aboriginal communities.

16 years

The camp and program was really good and I got to visit places I've never been to before. The Yalga mentors and workers were easy and fun to get along with.

14 years

This experience has changed the way I look at life. My world was small and now I know what I need to do to have a better life. I'm grateful for meeting the Yalga blokes.

16 years

It's really cool for Murri kids to get out there and learn about our culture. As a kid from Kamilaroi I got to learn about my tribe and speak my own language.

adam B.
15 years

I really liked the camp, I liked being outside the house and being active for once. I got to go offroading, see traditional star trees and do cultural activities.

trevor F.
16 years

My culture has always been important to me but now I have a better understanding of myself and thats thanks to Yalga.

KEN s.
17 years
Yalga Connect acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands we are on and pay respect to our Elders past and present. We recognise and respect cultural heritage, beliefs and relationships to Country, which continue to be important to the First Nations people living today.