With over 20 years of experience in caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth, the founder and Director Robert Brown has a deep passion for providing quality care to youth with a specific commitment to maintaining and enhancing cultural care, safety and connection.
Working for various government and non-government organisations, Robert has developed a high level of business acumen and a strong focus on delivering quality outcomes whilst maintaining a strict level of compliance.
Robert has the ability to effectively balance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community expectations with professional deliverables. He does this by leveraging his rich cultural knowledge as a part of the Birriah and Widi people and applying culturally appropriate solutions that are within the corporate governance structure.
As a suitably qualified mentor and leader, Robert has had the opportunity to train several Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Workers and gain great satisfaction in seeing the number of culturally appropriate and skilled carers grow.
Opening Yalga Connect has been a lifelong dream for Robert to continue his work in the industry and create new opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.